I have to wonder about the common cold. I contemplate this as I sit here mouth-breathing because my nose is so stuffed up. Just why do we still have it? They make 4 hour cough syrup, and 8 hour decongestant. So why, pray tell, is there not a pill or syrup for 24 hour relief. I mean hasn't anyone else had that "ah ha" moment at the Nyquil company? Oh wait, I get it, I bet it's that profit monger sitting on the keys to the safe that holds the formula for a cure for the common cold that's to blame.
In my opinion, someone needs to knock that little shit off the safe, grab the keys and cure this malady already!!! And by the way, if my nose is stuffed up, why can't I unstuff it by blowing it? Swollen mucus membranes? I think not, otherwise, why does it seem to shift from nostril to nostril as I toss and turn?
It's been a few days since I last posted. I'm glad I'm back, cold and all. At least on here I can't pass on any germs even though I could pass on a virus.... :0)
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